* Function to get the database version
* This function gets the version of database currently being used.
* @return string database Version
* @access public
public function getDBVersion();
* Function to start a database transaction
* This function starts a Database Transaction
* @return boolean true if transaction is started
* @access public
public function startTransaction();
* Function to end a database transaction
* This function ends a Database Transaction by eithe committing or rolling
* back the transaction based on the value of $commit
* @param boolean $commit Commmit transiaction if true, rollback otherwise.
* @return boolean true if transaction is ended
* @access public
public function endTransaction($commit);
* This function inserts a new record to the database
* The data to be inserted in to $tableName is places in an array called
* $field name. The data is stored in the array in the following format
* "columnname" => "data to be inserted".
* @param string $tableName The name of the table data is to be inserted to
* @param array $insertData The name of the fields and data to be inserted
* @return boolean True if insert is ok or g7mzr\db error type
* @access public
public function dbinsert($tableName, $insertData);
* This function returns the last insert id for the selected table
* @param string $tableName The name of the table data was inserted to
* @param string $idfield The name of the id field the table
* @param string $srchfield The name of the field where the sreach data is saved
* @param string $srchdata The unique name entered in to the field
* @return integer The id of the last record inserted or DB error type
* @access public
public function dbinsertid($tableName, $idfield, $srchfield, $srchdata);
* This function updates an existing record to the database
* The data to be inserted in to $tableName is places in an array called
* $field name. The data is stored in the array in the following format
* "columnname" => "data to be inserted".
* The data to be used for the where clause is again in an array in the same
* format "columnname" => "search data".
* @param string $tableName The name of the table data is to be inserted to
* @param array $insertData The name of the fields and data to be inserted
* @param array $searchdata The field and data to be used in the "WHERE" clause
* @return boolean True if insert is ok or DB error type
* @access public
public function dbupdate($tableName, $insertData, $searchdata);
* This function selects a single record from the database
* The columns to be returned from the search are in an array called $fieldNames
* This is an unindexed array, array=("Col1", "col2" etc).
* The data to be usedfor the where clause is in an array called $searchdata in
* format"columnname" => "search data".
* @param string $tableName The name of the table data is to be selected from
* @param array $fieldNames The name of the fields to select from the database
* @param array $searchdata The field and data to be used in the "WHERE" clause
* @return array Search data if search is ok or DB error type
* @access public
public function dbselectsingle($tableName, $fieldNames, $searchdata);
* This function returns a search from the database
* The columns to be returned from the search are in an array called $fieldNames
* This is an unindexed array, array=("Col1", "col2" etc).
* The data to be used for the where clause is in an array called $searchdata in
* format "columnname" => "search data".
* @param string $tableName Name of the table data is to be selected from
* @param array $fieldNames Name of the fields to select from the database
* @param array $searchdata Field and data to be used in the "WHERE" clause
* @param string $order Field used to order the selected data
* @param array $join Data used to join tables for the search
* @return array Search data if search is ok or DB error type
* @access public
public function dbselectmultiple(
$order = '',
$join = array()
* This function deletes single from the database.
* The data to be used for the where clause is in an array called $searchdata
* in format "columnname" => "search data". It only deletes data which matches
* exactly
* @param string $tableName The name of the table data is to be deleted from
* @param array $searchdata The field and data to be used in the "WHERE" clause
* @return boolean true if search is ok or DB error type
* @access public
public function dbdelete($tableName, $searchdata);
* This function can delete multiple records from the database.
* The data to be used for the where clause is in an array called $searchdata
* in format "columnname" => array("type" => "<,> or =", "data" => "search data")
* @param string $tableName The name of the table data is to be deleted from
* @param array $searchdata The field and data to be used in the "WHERE" clause
* @return boolean true if search is ok or DB error type
* @access public
public function dbdeletemultiple($tableName, $searchdata);
* Get the rowcount of the last activity
* @return integer
* @access public
public function rowCount();
* This function disconnects from the database
* @return boolean True
public function disconnect();